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Shipping policies

Products are delivered to the address indicated by the Customer on the form entitled "address". In the case of payment by PayPal, the Customer must check that the address used for his/her PayPal account is the same as the desired delivery address.


The order will be processed within an average of 5 working days from the date of payment, subject to product availability. Delivery times are indicative and can not engage the responsibility of Octopurse. In case of stock shortage, or unavailability of the Product ordered, Octopurse undertakes to inform the Customer as soon as possible and to specify a period of availability. The Customer will confirm by e-mail his choice between waiting for the availability of the Product or being reimbursed, excluding any damages.


Delayed delivery shall not give rise to any withholding, penalty, compensation or indemnity.


If 30 (thirty) days after the order, the Product has not been delivered, for any reason other than a case of force majeure, the sale may, then, be resolved at the request of either party by letter RAR, to the exclusion of all damages. Are considered as force majeure discharging Octopurse from its obligation to deliver: war, riot, fire, strikes, accidents, regulation or requirement of public authority, or any other unavoidable event, unforeseeable and beyond the control of Octopurse. Octopurse will keep the Customer informed, in a timely manner, of the cases and events listed above. Octopurse will reimburse the Customer for all sums paid, at the latest within 14 (fourteen) days following the date on which the contract was terminated.


In any case, delivery within the deadlines can only occur if the Customer is up to date with its obligations towards Octopurse.


Upon delivery, the Customer must check the content, conformity and condition of the Product(s). In the event of a problem, the Client must follow the complaints procedure described in articles 9 and 10 of the terms of sales.

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